Dasatinib inhibits the constitutive ubiquitination of c-Kit/D816V and
increases the cell surface expression of the receptor. Ba/F3 cells
expressing wild-type (wt) c-Kit or c-Kit/D816V mutant were incubated
with or without Dasatinib (2 nm) for 24 h. A, cells were
starved and stimulated with SCF (100 ng/ml) and subjected to
immunoprecipitation using a c-Kit antibody. Levels of ubiquitination, tyrosine
phosphorylation, and c-Kit expression were analyzed by Western blot
(IB). pY, phosphotyrosine. B, cells were stained
with PE-conjugated anti-c-Kit antibody or isotype control followed by
examination of expression using flow cytometry. Cell surface expression levels
of c-Kit were quantified, and the expression level of wild-type c-Kit without
incubation with Dasatinib was considered as 100% and compared with other cells
(gray column: no incubation; black column: incubation with
Dasatinib). The data shown are the average of three independent experiments
with error bars defining the standard deviation.