Comparison of the PY-527 levels of c-Src (A), the cellular
PP2-inhibitable c-Src PTK activity (B), and
protein-tyrosine-phosphorylated (PY) levels of paxillin (C)
in marrow-derived osteoclasts of young adult male transgenic mice with those
in osteoclasts of age- and sex-matched WT littermates. A, cell
extracts of osteoclasts derived from three male transgenic mice and three WT
littermates were separated on SDS-PAGE and blotted with
anti-Tyr(P)527 c-Src and anti-actin antibodies. A replicate gel was
blotted against total c-Src and actin. Top, Western blots.
Bottom, ratio of PY-527 c-Src/actin to total c-Src/actin (mean
± S.E., n = 3). B, the total and PP2-inhibitable PTK
activity of immunoprecipitated c-Src protein of transgenic and WT osteoclasts
were assayed as described under “Experimental Procedures.” Greater
than 95% of the PTK activity in the immunoprecipitate was inhibited by PP2.
Results are shown as PP2-inhibitable c-Src PTK activity (mean ± S.E.,
n = 4). C, the total and Tyr(P) levels of paxillin in
osteoclast extracts of three pairs of PTP-oc transgenic mice and wild-type
littermates were analyzed by the Western blot using the respective specific
antibodies. Top, Western blots; bottom, ratio of
protein-tyrosine phosphorylated paxillin to total paxillin (mean ±
S.E., n = 3).