Cryosections of 1 and 2 dpf zebrafish embryos. All sections were
obtained from whole mount embryos that have undergone decorin in situ
hybridization. A, cross-section through a 1 dpf embryo at the trunk
level high-lighting decorin expression in the lateral plate mesoderm
(lm). B and C, longitudinal sections of a 1 dpf
embryo through the head region indicating decorin expression in the
developing head mesenchyme (hm) and heart region.
D-G, cross-sections through 2 dpf embryos at the head
region, localizes decorin expression within the olfactory placode
(op), trabecular cartilage (tc), placode (p),
palatoquadrate (pq), quadrate cartilage (qc), and head
mesenchyme (hm). H, cross-section from G was
counterstained with Alcian blue correlating staining of the cartilage with
regions of decorin positive expression by ISH. Spinal cord,
sc; notochord, nc; mesencephalon, mc;
prosencephalon, pc; placordal plate, pp; floor plate,
fp; lens, l; diencephalon, dc. Bar, 250 μm.