Ectodomain shedding of ADAM10 in MEFs. A, model of the
domain organization of ADAM10, which consists of a pro-domain
(Pro) that is proteolytically removed in the trans-Golgi network by
pro-protein convertases, a zinc-binding metalloprotease
(Protease) domain, a disintegrin domain (Dis),
which binds to integrin cell adhesion molecules, a cystein-rich
domain (Cys), which can interact with cell surface proteoglycans and
in some cases also contains a fusion peptide sequence, a variable
stalk region, a transmembrane (TM) domain, and a cytoplasmic
(Cyto) domain. Epitopes for C (B42.1) and N terminus
(MAB946) specific antibodies are indicated. Ectodomain shedding
(arrow) leaves a ∼10-kDa membrane-anchored CTF and releases a
∼55-kDa soluble ectodomain (sADAM10). B, Western blot
analysis of total wild-type (+/+) MEF cell extracts (CE) (50
μg/lane) shows a Pro-ADAM10 (∼85 kDa) and a mature ADAM10 (ADAM10 FL,
∼65 kDa) after prodomain removal. A third 10-kDa band is detectable
(ADAM10 CTF) with B42.1, the C-terminal ADAM10 antibody, but not by
MAB946, the N-terminal antibody. Additional bands (asterisk) are
observed in wild-type cells, but not in ADAM10-deficient cells. These
bands may represent ADAM10 splice variants (see
or degradation products. A secreted ADAM10 ectodomain (sADAM10) is
observed in the culture supernatant (SN) (30 μg/lane), detected by
MAB946, but not B42.1. C, SN from WT MEFs was able to cleave a
synthetic peptide containing the APP α-secretase cleavage site in a
fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay. In MEFs lacking ADAM10 we
observed a strong reduction in this cleavage compared with WT. D,
ADAM10 CTFs are detected by Western blot analysis in cell lysate samples from
both neuronal and glial cell cultures (30 μg/lane). E, Western
blot of total tissue extracts of E16.5 CD1 mouse embryos (50 μg/lane).
ADAM10 CTFs were detected to a various extent in all tested organs.