Table 1.
Life history traits of Binodoxys communis progeny emerging from the various developmental stages of its aphid host, Aphis glycines. Only one aphid stage was exposed to each adult female parasitoid in this experiment.
Host instar | Life history trait |
Number of mummies formed | Proportion (of mummified aphids) emerged | Sex ratio (proportion males) | Days until mummification | Female development time | Male development time | |
1 | 7.22±2.13a | 0.51±0.10a | 0.56±0.14ab | 7.00±0.12ab | 11.25±0.44a | 10.15±0.08a |
2 | 10.66±1.85a | 0.62±0.06a | 0.69±0.09b | 7.25±0.16b | 11.45±0.33ab | 11.23±0.28b |
3 | 12.60±1.62a | 0.73±0.07a | 0.59±0.11ab | 6.79±0.12a | 11.77±0.29ab | 11.95±0.22cd |
4 | 16.40±2.81a | 0.68±0.06a | 0.42±0.11ab | 7.07±0.14ab | 12.12±0.24b | 12.16±0.23d |
Apterous adult | 10.56±2.90a | 0.61±0.10a | 0.34±0.08a | 6.94±0.11ab | 11.27±0.13a | 11.41±0.13bc |
Alatoid 4th instar | 9.80±2.14a | 0.53±0.09a | 0.48±0.12ab | 6.80±0.12a | 12.59±0.29bc | 12.88±0.44de |
Alate adult | 15.70±5.37a | 0.59±0.06a | 0.56±0.11ab | 8.40±0.15c | 13.00±0.26c | 13.03±0.26e |
Mean±SE; values within the same column followed by identical letters are not significantly different (P>0.05, one-way ANOVA with Fisher's protected LSD).