Figure 1.
Ulluchu in archaeological context. A. Ulluchu fruit from cache at Sipán. After photograph by Christopher B. Donnan. B. Ulluchu fruit from Dos Cabezas burial. After photograph by Donald McClelland. C. Bone beads in form of Ulluchus fron Huaca de la Luna. After photograph by Donald McClelland. D. Golden Ullucho bead. After photograph by Donald McClelland. E. Spondylus shell bead in form of Ulluchu. After photograph by Donald McClelland. F. Supernatural figure seated holding a gourd, possibly containing ground Ulluchu seeds with Ulluchus painted on headdress. Private collection. After photograph by Christopher B. Donnan, in McClelland ([6]: Fig. Three.18). G. Anthropomorphized hawk runner carrying a snuff tube with Ulluchus on its belt and Ulluchu seeds floating above it. The Art Institute of Chicago. After drawing by Donna McClelland in McClelland ([6] Fig. Three.12). H. Ulluchu harvest. Note tree with opposite leaves and extracted seeds on bottom right. After McClelland ([6]: Fig. Three.34), Private collection.