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. 2009 Mar 17;9:84. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-84

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics for 70,575 women in the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial Cohort.

Number %
Age at baseline
 55–59 24,381 34.6
 60–64 21,405 30.3
 65–69 15,405 21.8
 70–74 9,384 13.3
 White 62,425 88.5
 African-American 4,063 5.8
 Asian/Pacific Islander 2,754 3.9
 Other* 1,333 1.9
 Less than H.S. 4,598 6.5
 Completed H.S. 28,588 40.5
 Beyond H.S. 37,215 52.7
 Unknown 174 0.3
Marital status
 Married or living as married 48,749 69.1
 Widowed 9,700 13.7
 Divorced or separated 9,616 12.7
 Never married/missing 2,510 4.5
Mother or sister with breast cancer
 No 57,214 81.1
 Yes 9,692 13.7
 Unknown 3,669 5.2
Age at menarche
 < 12 14,259 20.2
 12 – 13 37,816 53.6
 14 – 15 15,105 21.4
 ≥ 16 3,208 4.6
 Missing 187 0.3
Years of oral contraceptive use
 None 32,170 45.6
 < 1 year 10,219 14.5
 2 – 3 years 7,636 10.8
 4 – 5 years 5,208 7.4
 6 – 9 years 6,303 8.9
 ≥ 10 years 8,830 12.5
 Missing 209 0.3
Parity and age at first birth
 Nulliparous 6,454 9.1
  < 20 years 2,499 3.5
  20–24 years 9,336 13.2
  25–29 years 6,629 9.4
  30–34 years 2,405 3.4
  ≥ 35 years 1,021 1.5
< 20 years 5,721 8.1
  20–24 years 16,227 23.0
  25–29 years 5,942 8.4
  30–34 years 1,020 1.5
  ≥ 35 years 343 0.5
 ≥ 5
  < 20 years 3,818 5.4
  20–24 years 7,162 10.2
  25–29 years 1,506 2.1
  30–34 years 193 0.3
  ≥ 35 years 194 0.3
 Missing or unknown 105 0.2
Menopause Type
 Natural 43,572 61.7
 Surgical 23,312 3233.0
 Radiation or medications 2,346 3.3
 Missing 1345 41.9
Age at Natural Menopause
 < 45 years 4,468 6.3
 45–49 years 11,175 15.8
 50–54 years 22,134 31.4
 55+ years 5,709 8.1
 Missing 86 0.1
Menopausal hormone therapy use
 None 23,262 33.0
 Former use 11,435 16.2
 Current use, ≤ 5 years 11,546 16.4
 Current use, > 5 years 23,712 33.6
 Missing 620 0.9
Body Mass Index (BMI; kg/m2)
 < 18.5 892 1.3
 18.5 – 24.9 27,251 38.6
 25 – 29 24,214 34.3
 30 – 34.9 11,102 15.7
 ≥ 35 6,297 8.9
 Missing 819 1.2

*Other race/ethnicity includes Hispanic, American Indian, and missing/unknown.