Simplified cortical circuitry that depicts the action of Allo on GABAA receptors (GR) expressed on the cell body, dendrites, or axon hillocks of a pyramidal neuron.
Allo is synthesized in pyramidal neurons by the action of 5α-R-type I and 3α-HSD.
Allo diffuses (indicated by ) to cell membranes and facilitates the action of GABA at synaptic and extrasynaptic GABAA receptors.
, denotes Allo biosynthesis downregulation in pyramidal neurons of socially isolated mice.
, denotes a decrease of Allo levels reaching synaptic or extrasynaptic GABAA receptors located on pyramidal neurons in socially isolated mice.
GRαxβx, extrasynaptic GABAA receptors that express δ subunits.