Intake criteriaGroup 1: Attenuated psychotic symptoms
Presence of at least one of the following symptoms: ideas of reference, odd beliefs or magical thinking, perceptual disturbance, paranoid ideation, odd thinking and speech, odd behavior and appearance (2–3 on Unusual Thought Content scale; 1–2 on Hallucinations scale; 2–3 on Suspiciousness scale or 1–3 on Conceptual Disorganization scale of BPRS)
Held with a reasonable degree of conviction, as defined by a score of 2 on the Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History (CASH) rating scale for delusions
Frequency of symptoms: at least several times per week
Change in mental state present for at least one week and not longer than 5 years
Group 2: Brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms (BLIPS)
Transient psychotic symptoms: presence of at least one of the following – ideas of reference, magical thinking, perceptual disturbance, paranoid ideation, odd thinking and speech (4+ on Unusual Thought Content scale; 3+ on Hallucinations scale; 4+ on Suspiciousness scale [or it is held with strong conviction, as defined by a score of 3 or more on the CASH rating scale for delusions] or 4+ on Conceptual Disorganization scale of BPRS)
Duration of episode of less than one week
Symptoms resolve spontaneously
The BLIP must have occurred within the past year
Group 3: Trait and state risk factors
First-degree relative with a DSM-IV psychotic disorder or schizotypal personality disorder (as defined by DSM-IV)
Significant decrease in mental state or functioning: maintained for at least a month and not longer than 5 years (reduction in GAF scale of 30 points from premorbid level)
The decrease in functioning occurred within the past year
Exit criteria: Acute psychosis
Presence of at least one of the following symptoms: hallucinations (defined by a score of 3 or more on the Hallucinations scale of the BPRS); delusions (defined by a score of 4 or more on the Unusual Thought Content scale of the BPRS or a score of 4 or more on the Suspiciousness scale of the BPRS, or it is held with strong conviction, as defined by a score of 3 or more on the CASH rating scale for delusions or formal thought disorder [defined by a score of 4 or more on the Conceptual Disorganization scale BPRS])
Frequency of symptoms is at least several times a week
Duration of mental state change is longer than one week