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. 2009 Apr 18;373(9672):1352–1363. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)60612-7

Table 2.

Hazard ratios for AIDS or death for deferral of combination antiretroviral therapy to a lower CD4 cell count range versus initiation at a higher CD4 cell count range

Higher CD4 cell count range (cells per μL) Lower CD4 cell count range (cells per μL) Data for 1989–95*
Data for patients on combination antiretroviral therapy
Hazard ratio (95% CI) for AIDS or death
Number of patients in higher CD4 cell count range Estimated median lead time (years) Estimated proportion of patients progressing to AIDS/death before reaching upper threshold of lower CD4 cell count range (% [95% CI]) Number of patients Number of AIDS/death events Estimated number of unseen events Naive Adjusted for lead times and unseen events
451–550 351–450 5015 0·67 1·6% (1·1–2·1) 5047 260 53 1·04 (0·81–1·34) 0·99 (0·76–1·29)
426–525 326–425 5792 0·77 2·3% (1·7–2·9) 5898 314 91 1·12 (0·89–1·42) 1·12 (0·87–1·43)
401–500 301–400 6536 0·80 2·7% (2·0–3·4) 6874 366 126 1·04 (0·84–1·29) 1·09 (0·85–1·38)
376–475 276–375 7029 0·84 2·8% (2·2–3·5) 7926 400 151 1·11 (0·91–1·37) 1·19 (0·96–1·47)
351–450 251–350 7433 0·84 3·2% (2·5–3·9) 8989 472 189 1·17 (0·97–1·41) 1·28 (1·04–1·57)
326–425 226–325 7775 0·86 3·3% (2·7–3·8) 10067 530 208 1·08 (0·90–1·28) 1·21 (1·01–1·46)
301–400 201–300 8226 0·89 3·8% (3·1–4·5) 10980 584 258 1·15 (0·98–1·36) 1·34 (1·12–1·61)
276–375 176–275 8519 0·91 5·3% (4·3–6·3) 11 775 640 366 1·23 (1·05–1·44) 1·59 (1·30–1·95)
251–350 151–250 8748 0·92 6·1% (5·2–7·0) 12 104 719 412 1·30 (1·12–1·51) 1·71 (1·43–2·04)
226–325 126–225 8788 0·91 7·0% (6·2–7·8) 12 206 763 452 1·47 (1·27–1·70) 2·01 (1·73–2·35)
201–300 101–200 8878 0·92 8·1% (7·2–9·1) 11 976 822 485 1·59 (1·38–1·82) 2·21 (1·91–2·56)
176–275 76–175 8282 0·90 9·5% (8·6–10·4) 11 534 908 523 1·82 (1·60–2·08) 2·61 (2·27–3·00)
151–250 51–150 7484 0·95 10·8% (9·9–11·7) 10 926 957 549 1·76 (1·55–2·01) 2·59 (2·29–2·92)
126–225 26–125 6742 0·95 13·1% (12·1–14·1) 10 276 1088 642 2·01 (1·78–2·27) 2·88 (2·56–3·25)
101–200 0–100 5871 0·92 17·6% (16·3–18·9) 10 014 1332 969 2·25 (2·01–2·51) 3·35 (2·99–3·75)

CD4 cell count ranges have widths of 100 cells per μL, in increments of 25 cells per μL. Note that results in overlapping ranges are not statistically independent of each other.


Data for patients followed up in the era before the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy.

Time from first CD4 cell count measurement in upper range to upper threshold of lower CD4 cell count range, AIDS, or death.

Hazard ratio based on analyses that ignored lead time and unseen AIDS and death events.