Dose-dependent effects of Eya1 on neurogenesis markers. Changes in placodal expression of Sox3 (A), p27Xic1 (B), NeuroD (C), and Ngnr1 (D) at stages 21-26 after injecting one blastomere at the two cell stage with various doses of GR-Eya1+GR-Six1 mRNA followed by DEX activation at stage 16-18. For all markers analyzed, reductions of marker gene expression was categorized as weak (less than 50 % reduced) or strong (more than 50 % reduced), while increased or ectopic marker gene expression was categorized as being confined to the vicinity of placodes (placodes), extending to other parts of head ectoderm (head) or extending into trunk ectoderm (trunk). Note that reductions in placodal marker gene expression were sometimes associated with increased and/or ectopic marker gene expression elsewhere in the same embryo.