Figure 3.
Tensor orientation differences. (A–C) Axial slices (Z=2 through Z=40) showing principal diffusion direction (PDD) maps, where red indicates a left-right fiber orientation, green an anterior-posterior orientation and blue a superior-inferior orientation. (A) subject S, (B) control group average, and (C) control subject (12 year old girl). In (B) and (C), the brightness is modulated by the fractional anisotropy (FA), in (A), the brightness is modulated by 1.2*FA to account for S’s overall reduction in FA. Panel (D) shows the results from the log-tensor one-sample eigenvector difference test (S vs. 28 controls) overlayed on a montage of S’s T1-weighted image. Colorbar legend represents p values. Only voxels with p<10−4.7 are shown (FDR = 5%, cluster threshold of 10 voxels).