Temperature dependence of (a) 1/T1 for (△) 14N tempone in glycerol and (□) water:glycerol and (+) the tumbling-dependent contribution to relaxation [1/T1 (water:glycerol) − 1/T1 (glycerol)] and (b) the tumbling-dependent contribution to relaxation [1/T1 (water:glycerol) − 1/T1 (glycerol)] for (+) 14N tempone, (○) 15N tempone, (□) tempone-d16, (*) tempol, (×) tempol-d17, (◇) 15N-tempol-d17, (△) CTPO and (▽) CPROXYL. Since experimental values in the glycerol and water:glycerol data sets were obtained at different temperatures, the points shown in the plot and used in the subtractions were linearly interpolated at 5 K intervals from the experimental data.