Office or average* home DBP > 110 mmHg
Office or average* home SBP > 180 mmHg
Secondary forms of hypertension (including sleep apnea)
Treatment with three or more antihypertensive drugs
Screening office SBP > 170 mmHg during antihypertensive treatment
Isolated systolic hypertension
Concomitant diseases treated with BP lowering medications
Heart rate < 55 beats/min (in the absence of beta-blocker therapy)
Known cardiovascular disease (including history of angina pectoris, heart failure, cardiac pacemaker, myocardial infarction, revascularization procedure, stroke or TIA),
Diabetes mellitus (Type 1 or 2) or screening fasting blood glucose > 126 mg/dl
Serum creatinine > 1.5 mg/dl in males and 1.4 mg/dl in females
Primary renal disease
Pregnancy or lactation
History of Raynaud’s syndrome
Chronic treatment with BP-elevating drugs (including nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors, oral contraceptives)
Drug or alcohol use likely to affect study protocol adherence
Upper arm circumfurence ≥ 42 cm (due to limits with the home BP monitor cuff)
Abnormal liver enzymes (AST, ALT or alkaline phosphatase > 2.5 time the upper limit of normal)