Figure 5.
cLTα−/− mice exhibit a reduced granulomatous response following high dose infection. A: Differential granulomatous response was determined by scoring as in Figure 2. B–C: Histopathological (H&E) and (D–G) immunohistochemical staining in FP at 12 weeks post-inoculation. In cB6 mice, a moderate lymphocyte infiltration was observed (B); in cLTα−/− mice, there were few scattered lymphocytes and small collections of MΦ (C). In cB6 mice, the T cell infiltrate consisted primarily of CD4+ cells (D) with a lower influx of CD8+ cells (E). cLTα−/− FP contained few CD4+ (arrow, F) or CD8+ (arrow, G) cells. For (B and C) scale bars = 50 μm; and (D–G) scale bars = 30 μm. Experiment shown is representative of two independent experiments.