Table. Selected analyses of sputum from patient with tuberculosis over the course of treatment during 2007*.
Date | Isolate | Smear | Culture | Resistance† | Spoligotype | MIRU |
Jan 4 | 1 | Positive | Positive | None | 000000004020771 | 224323-53313 |
Jul 12 | 2 | Negative | Positive | I, R, P, E | 777756777760771 | 224325153226 |
Sep 8 | 2 | Positive | Positive | I, R, P, E | 777756777760771 | 224325153226 |
*Molecular characterization was performed on Sep 8 to confirm the presence of the second isolate and reassess for presence of the original isolate. MIRU, mycobacterial interspersed repeat units. †I, isoniazid; R, rifampin; P, pyrazinamide; E, ethambutol.