Figure 2.
One-way average linkage hierarchical cluster analysis. One-way average linkage hierarchical cluster analysis of the gene set associated with MetScore status. One hundred and ninety-five microarrays, representing 146 tumors and 10 normal breast samples were analyzed using the 1195 gene MetScore gene set. Overview of the complete cluster diagram (the full cluster diagram can be found as Additional file 2). The tumors were ordered according to their MetScore, and then according to their increasing correlation to the Metscore3 centroid within each group. Clinical regional node status, distant metastasis status, ER, PR, and intrinsic subtype are shown. A) FOS-JUN gene expression cluster, B) fibroblast/mesenchymal cell cluster, C) CXCL12 gene expression cluster, D), immune-cell/HLA cluster, E) VEGF profile.