Figure 1.
Geometries 1 and 2 represented through their contact maps. Each square represents a native contact. For structures that like ours are maximally compact cuboids with N=48 residues there are 57 native contacts. A nonlocal contact between two residues i and j is defined as LR if their sequence separation is at least 12 units, i.e., ∣i−j∣≥12 (Ref. 32). Accordingly, the number of LR (white squares) contacts in geometry 1 is 19 and in geometry 2 is 42. The predominance of LR contacts in geometry 2 leads to considerably higher values of the LR order (Ref. 32) (0.88 vs 0.40 for geometry 1) and (absolute) contact order (Ref. 31) parameters (21.4 vs 9.9 for geometry 1).