Figure 3.
Statolith Sedimentation Kinetics in a Central S2 Arabidopsis Columella Cell after 90° Root Reorientation (Detailed Analysis of the Micrograph Series Shown in Figure 2).
(A) Minimum separation distances (μm) of the aggregated statoliths to the former distal and new lower ER interface.
(B) Minimum velocities (μm s−1) of the leading statolith in the horizontal (Δx), the vertical (Δy), and in the direction of the resultant vector (Δz); dashed line = trend line (Δz).
(C) Angle of incidence (Θ) of the leading statolith with the gravitational force.
(D) Distances (μm) of the statolith aggregate to the former distal and new lower cell wall; dashed line = trend line (distance to new lower cell wall). The time after reorientation is given in seconds.