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. 2009 May 8;5(5):e1000419. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000419

Table 2. Crystallographic data.

Dataset Native Seleno-Methionine Derivative
Space group/cell constants (a and c, in Å) P42212/93.74; 113.73 P42212/93.64; 113.77
Number of measurements/unique reflections 613,987/47,568 320,816/29,379
Resolution range (Å) (outermost shell) 48.6–1.80 (1.90–1.80) 48.6–2.11 (2.22–2.11)
Completeness (%) 100.0 (99.9) 98.4 (89.2)
Rr.i.m. ( = Rmeas)/Rp.i.m a , b , c 0.101(0.696)/0.028(0.190) 0.081(0.224)/0.027(0.089)
Average intensity over st. dev. (<[<I>/σ(<I>)]>) 23.0 (4.2) 23.9 (7.3)
B-factor (Wilson) (Å2)/average multiplicity 17.6/12.9 (13.1) 21.0/10.9 (5.9)
Heavy-atom sites used for phasing/fom d 9/0.68, 0.84
Resolution range used for refinement (Å) 48.6–1.80
Number of reflections used (test set) 46,847 (720)
Crystallographic Rfactor (free Rfactor)e 0.160 (0.187)
No. of protein atomsf/solvent molecules/ligands/ions 2,870/432/2 heme (with Fe3+); 6 glycerols/5 SO4 2−
Rmsd from target values
bonds (Å)/angles (°) 0.012/1.31
bonded B-factors (main chain/side chain) (Å2) 0.70/2.19
Average B-factors for protein atoms (Å2) 14.1
Main-chain conformational angle analysis for residues in favored regions/outliers/all residues 349/0/360

Friedel mates were treated as independent reflections in the derivative dataset.


Values in parentheses refer to the outermost resolution shell.


Inline graphic and Inline graphic.


Mean figure or merit computed for data to 1.8 Å before and after density modification with program DM within CCP4.


Crystallographic Rfactor = Σhkl ||Fobs| − k |Fcalc||/Σhkl |Fobs|; free Rfactor, same for a test set of reflections not used during refinement.


Including atoms in alternate conformation.