Effect of PC2 and PC4 on activation by TR and TRα/TRAPs in vitro. (A) PC2 and PC4 act cooperatively to mediate T3-dependent activation by f:TRα. In addition to basal transcription factors and RNA polymerase II, reactions contained, as indicated, TRIAC (2 μM) f:TRα (6 ng), f:RXRα (20 ng), USA (250 ng), PC4 (35 ng, lane 5; 100 ng, lane 6; 50 ng, lane 9), and PC2 (1 μl, lanes 7 and 9; 2 μl, lane 8). (B) PC2 and PC4 act cooperatively with TRAPs to mediate activation by TR. Reactions and additions were identical with those in A except for the replacement of f:TRα with immunopurified f:TRα/TRAP complex from α-2 cells (6 ng f:TRα, 40 ng total protein including TRAPs), the absence of TRIAC, and the addition of USA (250 ng), as indicated.