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. 2009 Feb 10;87(4):312–319. doi: 10.2471/BLT.07.045393

Table 3. Specific features of the two programmes categorized by the five categories of health promotion action as defined by the Ottawa Charter43.

Health promotion action ELAM MEAH
Build public policy for health Builds on success of Cuban models but little direct influence on national policy (I) Strategic partners with precedents for engagement at national and international level e.g. Centro Estudios y Asesoría en Salud and, more recently Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (N, I)
Create supportive environments More difficult as an individual practitioner but possible with cross-sectoral support. Depends on graduate commitment and opportunities for links (P, N) Aiming for a culture shift towards community-university engagement in each university as well as building a national network of universities (P, L, N)
Alumni networks (P, N) Alumni networks (P, N)
Links to international communities of practice in ecosystem approaches to health (I)
Strengthen community action Precedents of Cuban system but may be difficult to translate in isolation from the political economy (N, I) Masters research thesis projects are required to engage community partners and demonstrate community impact (P, L, N)
Develop personal skills Sound knowledge and confidence in core clinical competency; heightened knowledge of social and environmental determinants; knowledge of building disease prevention and health promotion frameworks at the community level (P, L, I) Skills for collaboration and intersectorality are emphasized but cross-disciplinary research can be difficult to operationalize (P, L, N)
Emphasize on skills and value of self-directed learning may increase capacity to self-initiate for ongoing opportunities for learning and exchange (P)
Reorient health services Cuban model is based on a culture of ”health-in-the-community” and community service (P, L) Potential for innovations based on community-university-policy alliances (L, N)
Incentives for career trajectories focused on promoting health in disadvantaged populations (L, N) Incentives for career trajectories focused on promoting health in disadvantaged populations (L, N)

ELAM, Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina (Latin American School of Medicine) in Cuba; I, international capacities and scale; MEAH, Masters in Ecosystem Approaches to Health; L, local capacities and scale; N, national capacities and scale; P, personal (individual) capacities of health worker.