Kinetics of recovery of ACh responses after inhibition by azietomidate
nAChRs in detached patches were exposed for 2 s to 300 μM ACh ± 10 μM azietomidate, and then returned to buffer, with ACh sensitivity monitored at intervals by moving the patch for 50 ms to a test solution of 300 μM ACh + azietomidate (Fig. 3). I0 is the peak initial response to 300 μM ACh ± 10 μM azietomidate; If is the current after 1.95 s. The observed recovery was fit to a single exponential: I = Irec - as exp−bt, where Irec is the current after full recovery, as is the amplitude of the observed slow recovery on the time scale of seconds, and b is the rate constant. The amplitude of the rapid phase of recovery, af, is equal to Irec − (as + If). See Figure 3A for a definition of the parameters.