Substance P (SP)-induced activation of ERK and JNK is mediated by SFKs in
pancreatic acinar cells. Freshly isolated pancreatic acini were preincubated
with PP2 at 1 or 10 μM or vehicle (dimethyl sulfoxide) for 30 min at
37°C followed by stimulation with 1 μM SP for 10 min at 37°C. Cells
were subsequently lysed, and cell proteins were subjected to Western blot
analysis using antibodies against phospho-Src family (Tyr416), phospho-ERK,
phospho-JNK, and HPRT (a). The phosphorylated subunits, such as the p-Src
family, p-44 ERK, p-42 ERK, p-54 JNK, and p-46 JNK, have been quantified.
Densitometric analyses of Western blot experiments were performed, and the
group data from three independent preparations (n = 3) are presented
in b to d. Results shown are the means + S.E. *, P ≤
0.05 compared with control; +, P ≤ 0.05 compared with SP.