Serum pellets were prepared from untreated serum (A and E) or following
addition of either 48 mM CaCl2 (B and F), 24 mM
Na2HPO4 (C and G), or a combination of both 2
mM CaCl2 and 2 mM Na2HPO4 (D and H) to
the indicated serum, followed by incubation at room temperature
overnight, centrifugation, and washing steps as described in the
Materials and Methods
. Low amounts of large heterogeneous particles were noted in the
untreated serum pellets (A and E) while the other serum pellets
(B–D, F–H) produced smaller and more homogeneous
round particles. Such round particles tended to aggregate forming clumps
and granular patches (D, F–H). Note that individual granules
can be discerned against a background of aggregated material. Similar
morphologies were noted in the controls, with HS-NB (I) showing an
aggregated diffuse mass in which granules are embedded;
“nanons” (J) as dispersed round particles; and DSM
5820 (K) as clumps of highly refringent particles. (L) HAP is shown for
comparison. Scale bars: 10 µm.