Savasana/Corpse pose |
Lying on back with knees bent |
Deep breath in, filling your body with breath, exhale to help the pain move out |
7 breaths |
Jathara Parivart-anasana/Intense abdominal twist |
Lying on back, knees to chest and rock from side to side |
None specifically |
Unspecified |
Paranamuktasana/Knees to chest |
Lying on back, hug bent legs, bring forehead and knees towards each other |
Hug legs, take a deep inhalation, exhale bringing knees and forehead together |
Unspecified |
Savasana variation/Corpse pose |
Lying on back with knees bent, arms clasped behind head. Lift head |
Deep inhalation, exhale, lift head up for two breaths, put head down on last exhalation |
3 breaths |
Jathara Parivart-anasana/Intense abdominal twist with arms |
Lying on back, arms spread like airplane wings, knees roll to right and left |
Breathe in and let both knees roll gently to the right (and left) |
2 breaths each side |
Bidalsana/Cat posture |
On all fours, round back, raise belly, release, arch back, look upwards, curl back again like a cat |
Breathe out. If it feels good, raise your belly up and when you release your lungs fill automatically, breathe out. As you arch your back, breathe in |
6 times |
Balasana/Pose of the child |
On all fours bring bottom to heels, head on the floor |
Breathe easily and fully as your body rebalances |
Unspecified |
Baddha Konasana (with rocking)/Bound ankle pose |
Sitting, soles of feet together, grab ankles/shins and rock from side to side |
Keep your breath full and easy |
Unspecified |
Parivritta Sukhasana/Comfortable simple crossed legs with a twist |
Sitting tall, make spine long, place right hand on floor behind, turn to the right and place left hand on right leg |
Inhale deeply when placing hand behind and exhale when turning and and putting hand on other leg |
Hold for 3 breaths each side |
Adhomukha Baddhakanasana/Seated bound ankle pose |
Sitting, hold onto feet, lengthen through spine, exhale and roll forward; let head hang down |
Inhale to lengthen your spine |
3 to 4 breaths when head is down |
Tadasana (with arms swinging)/Mountain pose |
Standing firmly grounded, feet wider than hips, swing hands around body |
No specific instruction given |
Unspecified |
Parsvaparvatasana in Tadasana/Mountain pose with stretched arms and side bend |
Standing, lift arms over head, clasp fingers and stretch tall. Fold over to one side, return to centre and fold to other side |
Breathe in as you clasp fingers, exhale, breathe in when at centre and exhale from side to side |
4 each side |
Tension release |
Hands at side, shaking to let any tension go |
No specific instruction given |
Unspecified |
Uttanasana/Standing forward bend |
On softly bent knees, drop chin to chest fold down forward. Move head from side to side |
Take 3 full breaths (in forward bend) |
Stay in forward bend for 3 breaths |
Badasana/Bridge pose |
Lying on back with knees bent, place arms at side, raise hips to make an inclined bridge |
Inhale deeply when arms placing arms at sides and exhale as you raise your hips |
Hold inclined bridge for 2 to 3 breaths |
Pavanamuktasana/Holding knee to chest |
Embrace legs and curl one at a time and bring head and knees together |
No specific instruction given |
Unspecified |
Savasana (modified with knees bent to enhance comfort/Corpse pose |
Lying on your back let bent knees rest against each other, hands where they feel comfortable and make sounds “ah”, “oo”, with eyes closed |
Make sounds with out-breath creating good energy |
10 breaths |