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. 2006 Winter;11(4):217–224. doi: 10.1155/2006/731628


Summary of yoga poses and breathing instructions

Sanskrit/English Name Position description Breathing instructions Duration
Savasana/Corpse pose Lying on back with knees bent Deep breath in, filling your body with breath, exhale to help the pain move out 7 breaths
Jathara Parivart-anasana/Intense abdominal twist Lying on back, knees to chest and rock from side to side None specifically Unspecified
Paranamuktasana/Knees to chest Lying on back, hug bent legs, bring forehead and knees towards each other Hug legs, take a deep inhalation, exhale bringing knees and forehead together Unspecified
Savasana variation/Corpse pose Lying on back with knees bent, arms clasped behind head. Lift head Deep inhalation, exhale, lift head up for two breaths, put head down on last exhalation 3 breaths
Jathara Parivart-anasana/Intense abdominal twist with arms Lying on back, arms spread like airplane wings, knees roll to right and left Breathe in and let both knees roll gently to the right (and left) 2 breaths each side
Bidalsana/Cat posture On all fours, round back, raise belly, release, arch back, look upwards, curl back again like a cat Breathe out. If it feels good, raise your belly up and when you release your lungs fill automatically, breathe out. As you arch your back, breathe in 6 times
Balasana/Pose of the child On all fours bring bottom to heels, head on the floor Breathe easily and fully as your body rebalances Unspecified
Baddha Konasana (with rocking)/Bound ankle pose Sitting, soles of feet together, grab ankles/shins and rock from side to side Keep your breath full and easy Unspecified
Parivritta Sukhasana/Comfortable simple crossed legs with a twist Sitting tall, make spine long, place right hand on floor behind, turn to the right and place left hand on right leg Inhale deeply when placing hand behind and exhale when turning and and putting hand on other leg Hold for 3 breaths each side
Adhomukha Baddhakanasana/Seated bound ankle pose Sitting, hold onto feet, lengthen through spine, exhale and roll forward; let head hang down Inhale to lengthen your spine 3 to 4 breaths when head is down
Tadasana (with arms swinging)/Mountain pose Standing firmly grounded, feet wider than hips, swing hands around body No specific instruction given Unspecified
Parsvaparvatasana in Tadasana/Mountain pose with stretched arms and side bend Standing, lift arms over head, clasp fingers and stretch tall. Fold over to one side, return to centre and fold to other side Breathe in as you clasp fingers, exhale, breathe in when at centre and exhale from side to side 4 each side
Tension release Hands at side, shaking to let any tension go No specific instruction given Unspecified
Uttanasana/Standing forward bend On softly bent knees, drop chin to chest fold down forward. Move head from side to side Take 3 full breaths (in forward bend) Stay in forward bend for 3 breaths
Badasana/Bridge pose Lying on back with knees bent, place arms at side, raise hips to make an inclined bridge Inhale deeply when arms placing arms at sides and exhale as you raise your hips Hold inclined bridge for 2 to 3 breaths
Pavanamuktasana/Holding knee to chest Embrace legs and curl one at a time and bring head and knees together No specific instruction given Unspecified
Savasana (modified with knees bent to enhance comfort/Corpse pose Lying on your back let bent knees rest against each other, hands where they feel comfortable and make sounds “ah”, “oo”, with eyes closed Make sounds with out-breath creating good energy 10 breaths