Conserved residues differentially regulate association of Sus1 with SAGA
or TREX-2. a, multiple sequence alignment of Sus1 from
representative species including fungi, protozoa, plants and metazoa. The
alignment was generated with ClustalW2, and conserved residues were shaded
using JalView. b, secondary structure prediction for Sus1 was
calculated from PsiPred. For schematic depiction of Sus1 mutational
strategies, mutant alleles are numbered (sus1ΔN,
sus1–1 to sus1–12, sus1ΔC). All Sus1
charged residues are indicated in red. Residues mutated according to
the clustered charge to alanine algorithm are shaded in gray, and
gray arrowheads denote sequence changes. Open boxes/open
arrowheads depict (partially) conserved Sus1 residues/sequence changes
with a predicted localization within protein loops. N- and C-terminal
truncations are indicated. Positions of sus1–10, sus1–11
and sus1–12 mutations are also indicated in a. c,
affinity purification of genomically expressed Sus1-TAP from wild-type
(WT), sus1–10, sus1–11, and
sus1–12 strains. Eluates were analyzed by SDS-PAGE (4–12%
gradient gels, MOPS buffer) and Coomassie staining. Indicated bands were
assigned according to their molecular mass
(15). Filled circles
designate Ubp8 and open circles designate Thp1. Asterisk
indicates a contaminant, eEF-1α, which runs slightly below Thp1. Ubp8,
Thp1, and eEF-1α were determined by mass spectrometry. Eluates (TAP)
were analyzed by Western blotting using anti-Sac3 and anti-Cdc31 antibodies.
Sus1-TAP expression levels (WCE) were determined by anti-ProtA
detection (ProtA is part of the TAP tag) and normalization with Arc1 (a yeast
cytosolic marker protein) levels. d, Thp1-TAP affinity purification
from the indicated sus1 mutant allele backgrounds. Indicated
Coomassie-stained bands were determined by mass spectrometry.
Asterisks label contaminants of the purification (from top to
bottom: keratin, Eno2, and Tdh3). FLAG-tagged Sus1 and Cdc31 were
immunodetected by anti-FLAG and anti-Cdc31 antibodies, respectively.