Phenotypic analysis of the rsp5Y516A and
rsp5F618A mutants. A, RSP5
(LHY5653), rsp5Y516A (LHY5655), and
rsp5F618A (LHY5657) cells were serially diluted, plated
onto rich media and grown at 30 or 37 °C for 2 days. B, yeast
strains described in A were grown to mid-log phase at 30 °C and
then shifted to 37 °C for 1 h. Cells were harvested before and after the
temperature shift. Cell lysates were prepared and analyzed for Rsp5 expression
by immunoblotting with Rsp5 antiserum. C, RSP5 and
rsp5F618A yeast strains used in A were
transformed with multicopy plasmids encoding either wild-type (WT)
ubiquitin (pUb-WT) or 0K ubiquitin (pUb-0K). Serial
dilutions of each strain were plated onto rich media and grown at 37 °C
for 2 days. D, yeast strains tested in A were treated as
described in B, except that cell lysates were analyzed for free
ubiquitin levels by antiubiquitin immunoblotting.