Chemical shift perturbations of CHIPS31-121 upon complex
formation with the C5aR peptide C5aR7-28S2.
A, overlay of the 15N-1H HSQC spectrum of free
uniformly 15N-labeled CHIPS31-121 (red) and of
the titrated stoichiometric
complex (blue). Amide protons of CHIPS31-121 that
experience substantial chemical shift perturbations (shown by the
arrows) upon complex formation with C5aR peptide
C5aR7-28S2 are labeled as such. B, weighted sum
of CHIPS amide 15N-1H and 13Cα/β
chemical shift changes, Δδ(1H ppm) =
[(ΔδNH)2 +
(0.25ΔδCα)2 +
(0.25ΔδCβ)2 +
(0.1ΔδN)2]1/2, upon binding the
C5aR7-28S2 peptide, plotted versus residue
number. Residues that were most affected are indicated by labels.
Values for proline residues are based exclusively on carbon Cα/β
shifts. C, side-by-side stereo cartoon representation of mapped
positions within the CHIPS31-121 structure that display perturbed
chemical shifts after formation of the
CHIPS31-121:C5aR7-28S2 complex. Perturbed
amide protons are indicated by gray balls. The peptide strand
(colored yellow), running from residue 9-24 and including both
sulfated tyrosines sY11 and sY14, is displayed as a visual reference of the
binding interface. Broken lines indicate newly formed amide hydrogen