Figure 2.
DOC2Bwt enhances secretion during repeated stimulations compared with control and DOC2BD218,220N. Adult mouse adrenal chromaffin cells were depolarized repeatedly, and CA release was measured by carbon fiber amperometry. A, Mean CA secretion during stimulation of EGFP control (black; n = 18), DOC2Bwt (blue; n = 17), and DOC2BD218,220N (red; n = 24). Secretion in DOC2BD218,220N was significantly larger than EGFP controls in the first (**p < 0.01) and second (*p < 0.05) stimulus, but not during subsequent stimuli. DOC2Bwt significantly enlarged the secretory response from the second stimulus on (*p < 0.05). B–E, Integration of the amperometric currents of the first four stimulations, respectively. B, During the first stimulation, the secretion slope is much steeper in DOC2BD218,220N than in DOC2Bwt and the EGFP control. C, At the second stimulation, both DOC2BD218,220N and DOC2Bwt support significant increased secretion, and their slopes are similar. D, E, During the third and fourth stimulations, the secretion slopes of DOC2Bwt and DOC2BD218,220N are steeper than EGFP control cells, whereas secretion in DOC2Bwt is larger than EGFP control and DOC2BD218,220N cells.