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. 2009 Mar;214(3):339–354. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2008.01031.x

Table 3b.

Quantification of closure per species, including outgroup taxa (*), for all crania studied. Percentage of suture sites scoring 1 (open) or 4 (closed) for each species and evaluation of overall closure exhibited by a given species

Species % open (score 1) % closed (score 4) % closure
Marmota marmota* 0 0 43
Castor fiber* 42 0 34
Ondatra zibethicus* 23 10 54
Nannospalax ehrenbergi* 3 6 75
Rhizomys sumatrensis* 39 0 49
Thryonomys swinderianus 52 0 34
Hystrix cristata 26 0 40
Hystrix brachyura 0 3 44
Atherurus africanus 39 3 39
Bathyergus suillus 42 29 56
Sphiggurus villosus 13 0 52
Sphiggurus insidiosus 0 10 60
Erethizon dorsatum 29 3 49
Coendou prehensilis 0 10 55
Cuniculus paca 52 0 35
Myoprocta acouchy 52 10 38
Dasyprocta leporina 45 0 36
Dasyprocta fuliginosa 61 3 38
Kerodon rupestris 52 3 44
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris 68 0 33
Dolichotis patagonum 42 0 37
Galea spixii 55 3 40
Cavia porcellus 42 0 40
Cavia aperea 39 6 43
Spalacopus cyanus 52 13 46
Octodon degus 42 0 43
Proechimys cuvieri 32 0 42
Makalata armata 32 10 54
Myocastor coypus 32 0 40
Capromys pilorides 35 3 40
Chinchilla lanigera 29 0 41