(A–C) Effect of THC on U87MG cell
morphology. Representative electron microscopy photomicrographs are shown (6 h).
Scale bars: 500 nm. Note the presence of early (A, open arrows, and
B) and late (A, filled arrows, and C)
autophagosomes in THC-treated but not vehicle-treated (veh-treated) cells.
(D) Top: Effect of SR141716 (SR1; 1 μM) and THC on LC3
immunostaining (green) in U87MG cells (18 h; n = 3). The
percentage of cells with LC3 dots relative to the total cell number is shown in
the corner of each panel (mean ± SD). Scale bar: 20 μm.
Bottom: Effect of SR1 and THC on LC3 lipidation in U87MG cells (18 h;
n = 3). (E) Effect of E64d (10 μM) and
pepstatin A (PA; 10 μg/ml) on THC-induced LC3 lipidation in U87MG
cells (18 h; n = 3). (F and G) Effect
of THC treatment and transfection with control siRNAs (siC) or ATG1-selective
siRNAs (siATG1) on cell viability (F; mean ± SD;
n = 3), LC3 immunostaining (G, left panels; 18 h;
percentage of cells with LC3 dots relative to the total number of cells
cotransfected with a red fluorescent control siRNA, mean ± SD;
n = 3; scale bar: 20 μm), and LC3 lipidation
(G, right panel; 18 h; n = 3) in U87MG cells.
(H and I) Effect of THC on cell viability
(H; mean ± SD; n = 3), LC3
immunostaining (I, left panels; 18 h; percentage of cells with LC3
dots relative to the total cell number, mean ± SD; n
= 3; scale bar: 20 μm), and LC3 lipidation (I, right
panel; 18 h; n = 3) in Atg5+/+ and
RasV12/T-large antigen MEFs. *P < 0.05 and
**P < 0.01 compared with THC-treated U87MG
(D) and Atg5+/+ (H and
I) cells and compared with siC-transfected, THC-treated U87MG
cells (F and G). THC concentration was 6 μM.