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. 2009 Mar 23;27(13):2245–2252. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2008.16.2586

Table 2.

Probability of a Survival Benefit for Cisplatin-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy for NSCLC Before and After Sequential Updating: Base Case And Sensitivity Analysis

5-Year Survival Benefit Probability of Survival Benefit (%)
Updated Probability of Survival Benefit (%)
Before IALT
After IALT
After IALT and JBR.10
After IALT, JBR.10, and ANITA
Base Case Expert Uninformed Base Case Expert Uninformed Base Case Expert Uninformed Base Case Expert Uninformed
Any benefit 48 43 35 86 85 61 89 89 88 89 89 88
Survival decrement 1.5 6.7 15.4 0.5 0.1 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0
≥ 2% benefit 44 34 33 84 78 57 88 86 85 89 88 87
≥ 4% benefit 33 21 30 64 52 43 75 66 73 82 77 81
≥ 6% benefit 18 10 28 24 16 21 34 26 42 43 35 51

NOTE. The probability of each survival benefit level before the results of IALT (base case and sensitivity analysis), the updated probability of survival benefit after IALT, after sequentially updating with JBR.10, and after sequentially updating with ANITA is shown.

Abbreviations: NSCLC, non–small-cell lung cancer; IALT, International Adjuvant Lung Trial; ANITA, Adjuvant Navelbine International Trialist Association.