Table 2.
Injury deaths and mortality rates per 100,000, by age-group.
Age (years) | Injury cause (ICD-10 code) | Proportion of injury deaths in age-group attributed to cause (n, MR) Proportion of cause in age-group |
0–14 | Pedestrian road traffic injuries (V01–09) | 19% (36, 0.83) 100% |
Non-pedestrian road traffic injuries (V10–29, V40–49, V70–79) | 15% (28, 0.64) 100% | |
Assault/homicide (including undetermined intent in <1 & 1–4 age-groups) X85-Y09 (Y10–34) | 14% (26, 0.60) 100% | |
Suffocation (including choking/asphyxiation) (W75–84) | 12% (22, 0.50) 100% | |
Fire (X00–09) | 11% (21, 0.48) 100% | |
Falls (W00–19) | 7% (13, 0.30) 100% | |
Drowning (W65–74) | 6% (12, 0.28) 100% | |
*Suicide (incl. undetermined intent in age 10–14) X60–84 (Y10–34) | 6% (12, 0.28) 100% | |
**Other unintentional injuries | 5% (9, 0.21) 100% | |
Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces (W20–49) | 2% (4, 0.10) 100% | |
Poisoning (X40–49) | 2% (3, 0.07) 100% | |
All causes | 100% (186, 4.27) 100% | |
Unintentional | 80% (148, 3.39) 100% | |
Intentional (X60–84, X85-Y09, Y10–34) | 20% (38, 0.87) 100% | |
1–14 | Pedestrian road traffic injuries | 22% (36,0.88) 100% |
Non-pedestrian road traffic injuries | 17% (28, 0.68) 100% | |
Fire | 12% (20, 0.49) 95% | |
Suffocation (including choking/asphyxiation) | 11% (18, 0.44) 82% | |
Assault/homicide (incl. undetermined intent in 1–4 age-group) | 10% (17, 0.41) 65% | |
Suicide (incl. undetermined intent in age 10–14) | 7% (12, 0.29) 100% | |
Falls | 7% (11, 0.27) 85% | |
Drowning | 6% (10, 0.24) 83% | |
Other unintentional injuries | 5% (8, 0.2) 89% | |
Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces | 2% (4, 0.1) 100% | |
Poisoning | 2% (3, 0.07) 100% | |
All causes | 100% (167, 4.08) 90% | |
Unintentional | 83% (138, 3.37) 93% | |
Intentional | 17% (29, 0.71) 76% | |
<1 | Assault/homicide (incl. undetermined intent***) | 47% (9, 3.38) 35% |
Suffocation (including choking/asphyxiation) | 21% (4, 1.50) 18% | |
Drowning | 11% (2, 0.75) 17% | |
Falls | 11% (2, 0.75) 15% | |
Fire | 5% (1, 0.38) 5% | |
Other unintentional injuries | 5% (1, 0.38) 11% | |
All causes | 100% (19, 7.14) 10% | |
Unintentional | 53% (10, 3.76) 7% | |
Intentional | 47% (9, 3.38) 24% | |
1–4 | Fire | 28% (13, 1.22) 62% |
Assault/homicide (including undetermined intent****) | 19% (9, 0.85) 35% | |
Suffocation (including choking/asphyxiation) | 19% (9, 0.85) 41% | |
Pedestrian road traffic injuries | 11% (5, 0.47) 14% | |
Non-pedestrian road traffic injuries | 9% (4, 0.38) 14% | |
Drowning | 4% (2, 0.19) 17% | |
Falls | 4% (2, 0.19) 15% | |
Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces | 2% (1, 0.09) 25% | |
Other unintentional injuries | 2% (1, 0.09) 11% | |
Poisoning | 2% (1, 0.09) 33% | |
All causes | 100% (47, 4.42) 25% | |
Unintentional | 81% (38, 3.57) 26% | |
Intentional | 19% (9, 0.85) 24% | |
5–9 | Pedestrian road traffic injuries | 30% (14, 0.97) 39% |
Non-pedestrian road traffic injuries | 20% (9, 0.62) 32% | |
Assault/homicide ***** (X85-Y09) | 11% (5, 0.35) 23% | |
Fire | 11% (5, 0.35) 24% | |
Drowning | 7% (3, 0.21) 25% | |
Falls | 7% (3, 0.21) 23% | |
Other unintentional injuries | 7% (3, 0.21) 33% | |
Suffocation (including choking/asphyxiation) | 4% (2, 0.14) 9% | |
Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces | 2% (1, 0.07) 25% | |
Poisoning | 2% (1, 0.07) 33% | |
All causes | 100% (46, 3.18) 25% | |
Unintentional | 89% (41, 2.83) 28% | |
Intentional | 11% (5, 0.35) 13% | |
10–14 | Pedestrian road traffic injuries | 23% (17, 1.07) 47% |
Non-pedestrian road traffic injuries | 20% (15, 0.95) 54% | |
Suicide (including undetermined intent) | 16% (12, 0.76) 100% | |
Suffocation (including choking/asphyxiation) | 9% (7, 0.44) 32% | |
Falls | 8% (6, 0.38) 46% | |
Drowning | 7% (5, 0.32) 42% | |
Other unintentional injuries | 5% (4, 0.26) 44% | |
Assault/homicide (X85-Y09) | 4% (3, 0.19) 14% | |
Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces | 3% (2, 0.13) 50% | |
Fire | 3% (2, 0.13) 10% | |
Poisoning | 1% (1, 0.06) 33% | |
All causes | 100% (74, 4.67) 40% | |
Unintentional | 80% (59, 3.72) 40% | |
Intentional | 20% (15, 0.95) 39% |
Children aged 0–14 years, Scotland, 2002–2006.
Ordered by descending mortality rate. Includes proportions of all injuries attributable to cause by age-group and proportions of cause occurring in age-group.
* The 10–14 age-group was the only one with suicide (includes injuries of undetermined intent: n = 3, MR 0.19, 4% of injury deaths in 10–14 year-olds.) ** Other unintentional injuries comprises: Other land transport accidents, Water transport accidents, Exposure to animate mechanical forces, Exposure to electric current, radiation and extreme ambient air temperature and pressure, Exposure to forces of nature, Complications of medical and surgical care, Sequelae of external causes of morbidity and mortality. ICD-10 codes: V80–89, V90–94, W50–64, W85–99, X30–39, Y40–84, Y85–89 respectively (n = 2,1,1,1,2,1,1 (age 0–14)). *** n = 1, MR 0.38, 5% of injury deaths in infants. **** n = 3, MR 0.28, 6% of injury deaths in 1–4 year-olds. ***** There were no injuries of undetermined intent in the 5–9 age-group.