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. 2009 May 7;4(5):e5459. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005459

Table 1. A list of anchor SNPs identified by the p-value combination analysis in GWAS.

−log10(p) −log10(pFDR) −log10(p) −log10(pFDR)
2 rs6711736 34196635 Hypothetical 7.48527 3.52284 9.16600 4.68070
rs6729869 34196845 Hypothetical 7.04924 3.16599 9.02237 4.66200
rs10495809 34216890 Intergenic 7.38445 3.46342 9.46051 4.79912
rs1346007 34217210 Intergenic 5.79457 2.39848 7.84643 3.82731
4 rs6854244 138479489 Intergenic 7.76575 3.52284 8.84525 4.65691
rs10519412 138487534 Intergenic 7.79596 3.52284 8.51803 4.40070
rs10517739 162515975 Intergenic 6.43381 2.75013 7.02313 3.10209
rs1444280 162516134 FSTL5 7.88286 3.52284 8.84119 4.65691
8 rs4737649 64515583 IFITM8P 7.79134 3.52284 4.31484 1.54609
rs1431587 64516073 IFITM8P 7.70481 3.52284 3.80069 1.31314
rs1367807 64544666 Intergenic 6.83890 3.05256 3.44477 1.13168
rs831738 70313702 Intergenic 7.49105 3.52284 3.65335 1.23307
rs705994 70313758 Intergenic 7.50762 3.52284 3.61202 1.21483
rs705993 70314229 Intergenic 7.53247 3.52284 3.62344 1.21852
9 rs945658 1606639 Intergenic 6.59932 2.86734 3.9664 3.82731
10 rs2620887 49730508 WDFY4 5.15365 1.88658 7.04094 3.10209
18 rs10513909 8326569 Intergenic 6.98389 3.13540 4.76805 1.76466
rs10513910 18326428 Intergenic 6.85253 3.05256 3.96647 1.38965
rs9284423 36256475 Intergenic 8.48521 3.52284 9.90126 4.93883
rs9304221 36256659 Intergenic 6.02669 2.40668 6.92917 3.04592

The p-value combination analysis with a window size of 3 identified 20 triplets of SNPs in GWAS. Chromosome (CHR), RS number (RS), physical position (PP) and gene information (GI) of the anchor (central) marker of each SNP triplet are shown. The last four columns represent unadjusted p value (−log10(p)) and adjusted p value (−log10(pFDR)) of the p-value combination analysis based on single-locus p values from a CLR-NOMINAL analysis [model: logit{Prob(Y = YOH|I11,I12)} = a0+a11×I11+a12×I12] and a CLR-ORDINAL analysis [model: logit{Prob(Y = YOH|X)} = a0+a1×X], where Y is YOH status, I1j is an indicator of the three genotypes (j = 1, 2) of a SNP and X is a variable for the number of reference alleles. Anchor markers that had −log10(pFDR)>3 for both tests and were located in known or hypothetical gene regions are highlighted in bold font.