Failure of primary neurogenesis in Foxg1-/- OE.
(A) Sections of olfactory epithelium (OE) from wild-type and
Foxg1-/- mouse embryos at E11, showing the decrease in the
numbers of cells expressing stage-specific neuronal markers. D, dorsal; V,
ventral. (B) Apoptotic cells visualized by TUNEL labeling in E11 OE
from wild-type and Foxg1-/- OE. For comparison, numbers
were normalized to an area of 15,000 μm2, the average area of
each section of Foxg1-/- OE at this age. Mean values
±s.d. of TUNEL+ cells per 15,000 μm2 OE are:
wild type, 7.51±4.24; Foxg1-/-, 6.11±0.095.
Data, which showed no significant difference (Student's t-test)
(Glantz, 2005), were collected
from two animals of each genotype. (C) Fgf8 and Foxg1
expression at E11. Fgf8 is expressed at the rim of the olfactory pit
(OP) in wild type, and the pattern is unchanged in
Foxg1-/- OE (arrowheads). The Foxg1 expression
domain (detected by ISH to Cre), located in the central neurogenic
zone of the OE, is reduced in Foxg1-/- OE. Scale bars: 100