Cell proliferation and p21Cip1 expression in mutant and wild-type
OE. (A) BrdU pulse-fix experiments were performed as described in
the Materials and methods, with pregnant dams injected at gestational day 11
or 12. Images show representative anti-BrdU immunostaining results. Graph
shows quantification (mean±s.e.m.) of total number of BrdU+
cells per OE section at each age in Foxg1-/- embryos
(blue) and wild-type littermates (pink). Histogram shows average OE area per
section for mutants versus wild types. The number of BrdU+ cells is
significantly lower in Foxg1-/- mutants at each age, as is
the average area of OE per section (P<0.01, Student's
t-test). Data were collected from two animals of each genotype at
each age. (B) Coronal sections of an E10.5 Foxg1-/-
embryo and a wild-type littermate, processed for ISH with a p21Cip1
probe. Dorsal is up; ventral, down. OE, olfactory epithelium. Scale bar: 100
μm. (C) Horizontal sections of an E13.5 Gdf11-/-
embryo and a wild-type littermate, processed as in B. nc, nasal cavity; A,
anterior; P, posterior. Scale bar: 100 μm. (D, top)
Immunofluorescence staining of migratory OE neuronal cells in explant cultures
(after 14 hours in vitro), grown with or without Gdf11, then processed for
anti-p21Cip1 immunoreactivity. (Bottom) Quantification of results from a
typical culture experiment. Percentages of p21Cip1+ cells were:
2.5% of 587 counted cells in control cultures; 14.3% of 1065 counted cells in
GDF11-treated cultures. P<0.05, Student's t-test.