Rescue of the Foxg1-/- OE phenotype by loss of
Gdf11. (A) Cartoon of normal frontonasal structures in
mice at P0, shown as a mid-sagittal section. Red square indicates the region
photographed for ISH images shown in B-D. G, serous gland; I, right upper
incisor; OB, olfactory bulb; OE, olfactory epithelium; T, turbinate bone; NC,
nasal cavity. (B) ISH for Ngn1 to show OE neuronal cells in
wild-type animals at P0. (C) Olfactory turbinate structures and
Ngn1-expressing OE are not observed in Foxg1-/-
animals. (D) Foxg1-/-;Gdf11-/- mice show
recovery of turbinate structures and OE expressing Ngn1. Note that
there is no OB present in either Foxg1-/- or
Foxg1-/-;Gdf11-/-; note also that the
telencephalon is drastically reduced in Foxg1-/- mice and
is not rescued by loss of Gdf11 (see Results). Scale bar: 500