Mutant Vangl2Lp grafted postnatal uterine tissue
displays hyperpolarized actin and abnormal E-cadherin distribution.
(A-F) The wild type (A-C) has a thin and even domain of actin
polarization towards the lumen, as compared with the
Vangl2Lp mutant (D-F) in which the actin staining (red) is
uneven (compare B with E, arrows). E-cadherin (green) is enriched at the
apical domain of lateral cell junctions in wild-type epithelium (C, arrows),
but this localization is lost in the mutant (F, arrows). (G-L) Scrb1
localization is perturbed in grafted postnatal Vangl2Lp
mutant uterine tissue. The wild type (G,J) demonstrates discrete points of
Scrb1 localization (green) to apical regions (lumen to the left in G,J) of
epithelial cell-cell contact (J, arrows). By contrast, in
Vangl2Lp heterozygotes (H,K,I,L), the expanded
pseudostratified layer of epithelial cells localize Scrb1 in a non-polarized
fashion, including some Scrb1+ epithelial cells in the middle of
the lumen (H, arrowhead) and uniform membrane localization (H,I,K,L). Scrb1
localization is abnormal in the highly pseudostratified
Vangl2Lp/Lp mutant epithelium (I,L). (M-O) Increase
in smooth muscle layer with corresponding decrease in number of mesenchymal
cells in Vangl2Lp mutants. Wild type (M),
Vangl2Lp/+ (N) and
Vangl2Lp/Lp (O) grafted mouse uterine postnatal tissue
sections were stained for laminin (green) and smooth muscle actin (red).
Laminin delineates the basal lamina at the border between epithelium and
mesenchyme. Double-headed arrows indicate the width of the mesenchyme (M,N).
The homozygous mutant (O) displays smooth muscle directly adjacent to the
basal lamina (no mesenchyme). Scale bars: 10 μm in G-I,M-O; 5 μm in