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. 2009 Feb 25;276(1663):1747–1751. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.1788

Table 1.

(a) Means and standard deviations (in brackets) for subjective ratings and demographic variables as a function of genotyping group. (b) Mean correct reaction times (in milliseconds) and standard deviations (in brackets) on the attention bias (dot-probe) task as a function of genotype group, valence of picture (negative or positive) and location of target (valid, same location as affective picture; invalid, opposite location to affective picture).

genotype groups

SS (n=36) SL (n=45) LL (n=16)
trait anxiety 38.8 (8.6) 40.6 (9.8) 39.7 (10.9)
state anxiety at test 31.6 (8.4) 33.7 (8.5) 30.6 (6.8)
depression 7.8 (7.4) 7.6 (7.7) 7.2 (5.0)
neuroticism 16.3 (5.7) 16.5 (4.7) 15.5 (5.6)
extraversion 23.5 (3.3) 23.0 (3.6) 22.0 (3.3)
age 23.6 (7.9) 24.0 (8.1) 25.3 (6.7)
male/female 15/21 27/18 9/7
picture valence
 valid 712 (108) 720 (124) 753 (127)
 invalid 714 (109) 726 (125) 735 (129)
 valid 703 (106) 708 (123) 732 (137)
 invalid 699 (109) 704 (123) 756 (148)