Figure 2. The jagged-1 promoter contains an NFκB element and responds to TNF.
A. The human wild type (WT) jagged-1 promoter was cloned upstream of the luciferase gene in pGL3-Luc. The NFκB and AP-1 sites are indicated. A truncated version of the promoter was also generated that lacks the NFκB site. B. The NFκB site and the TATA box is conserved across species. Note that the lower (reverse) strand sequence of the AP-1 site is shown and numbered accordingly. C. EC were transfected with the control (pGL3e) vector or with the WT or truncated promoter reporters, rested overnight in low serum (1%), and then treated for 4 hours with TNF (10ng/ml) before lysis and luciferase assay. * p<0.02 by t-test compared to untreated cells. D. EC were transfected with the control (pGL3e) vector, with the WT or Mutant NFkB promoter reporter, or with an NFκB reporter containing multimerized canonical binding sites. Cells were rested overnight in low serum (1%) and then treated for 4 hours with TNF (10ng/ml) before lysis and luciferase assay. * p<0.005 by t-test compared to untreated cells.