Figure 4. Components of the NFκB pathway activate the jagged-1 promoter.
A. EC were transfected with the WT or NFκB mutant jagged-1 promoter reporter along with an expression plasmid for CA-IKKβ or a control (GFP) plasmid. Cells were then lysed after 4 hours for luciferase assay. * p<0.002 by t-test compared to cells not expressing CA-IKKβ. NS – not significant compared to mutant promoter in the absence of CA-IKKβ. B. EC were transfected with the WT jagged-1 promoter reporter along with expression plasmids for p65, c-rel or control (GFP). EC transfected with WT reporter alone were treated with TNF (10ng/ml) or PMA/ionomycin (25nM/1μM, respectively). Cells were then lysed after 4 hours for luciferase assay. * p<0.01 by t-test compared to control cells. ** p<0.005 by t-test compared to control cells.