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. 2007 Feb 17;2:7–22.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Evolution of a T-dominated ITS1 motif in 84 species and subspecies of Acer and Dipteronia, using the same parsimony framework as in Fig. 4. A. Within Acer lineages, single substitution events suffice to derive motif variants from one another. B. Evolution of the same motif among Sapindaceae genera. Motif variants in Acer, Dipteronia, Aesculus wangii, and Handeliodendron (Hd.) bodinieri are more similar to Hamamelis, a basal eudicot, than to other Sapindaceae. Roman numerals in parentheses refer to major Sapindales clades sensu Harrington et al. (2005). C. Evolution of the same motif among the Sapindales families Anacardiaceae, Burseraceae, Meliaceae, and Rutaceae. The same point mutations that account for motif variability within Acer are found among these families. Abbreviations as in Fig. 4.