Fig. 1.
Circulating blood monocytes adhere to activated endothelium at sites of disease or injury. The monocyte becomes polarized and forms a pseudopod in response to a chemical gradient of chemotactic factor production like MCP-1 and follows the increasing concentration of the chemotactic factor into the tissue. PLA2 translocate to distinct compartments: iPLA2, PLC, and PLD to the pseudopod at the leading edge and cPLA2 to the endoplasmic reticulum posterior to the nucleus. LPA is generated by iPLA2 at the leading edge of the cell where it regulates actin polymerization and protrusion of the pseudopod. LPA also facilitates detection of the MCP-1 gradient since it was shown to regulate not only the speed but also the directionality of monocyte migration. AA is generated by cPLA2 and regulates the efficiency of monocyte migration through as yet unknown mechanisms. One regulatory role of PLD is its apparent upstream regulation of PA production that serves as a substrate for iPLA2 generation of LPA. PLC can influence chemotaxis by regulating actin polymerization via the phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase pathway.