Figure 2.
(a) The putative active sites of TTHA1623 in di-zinc-bound (left) and di-iron-bound (right) forms. Zinc ions are labelled Zn1 and Zn2 and iron ions are labelled Fe1 and Fe2. The ligand water molecules are shown in red spheres and labelled Wat. The acetate ion is shown in a stick model and labeled as Ace. Dotted lines show the coordination of metal ions by their ligands. The distances between atoms in Å are labeled on the dotted lines. (b) σA-weighted 2F o − F c OMIT maps of the putative active sites of TTHA1623 in di-zinc-bound (left) and di-iron-bound (right) forms. The maps are contoured at 1σ. This figure was drawn with PyMOL (DeLano, 2002 ▶).