Phenotypes of gsl8 mutant seedlings and roots. A, Ten-day-old light-grown seedlings on MS plates containing 3% Suc. Mutants are seedling lethal and display short, wide, and serrated roots and irregular cotyledon margins. Numbers in A and C denote gsl8 mutant alleles. B, Higher magnification of gsl8 mutant cotyledons. C, gsl8 mutant seedlings grown in the dark (7 d) have short, wide, and deformed hypocotyls and roots. D and E, Higher magnifications of dark-grown cotyledons from wild-type (D) and gsl8 mutant (E) plants. Bars = 5 mm in A and C and 1 mm in B, D, and E. WT, Wild type. [See online article for color version of this figure.]