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. 2009 May;20(5):1053–1067. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2008070798

Table 1.

MV-shuttled mRNA involved in cell differentiation

Differentiation Gene Name Description
Neural RAX2 Retina and anterior neural fold homeobox 2
OR11H12 Olfactory receptor, family 11, subfamily H, member 12
OR2M3 Olfactory receptor, family 2, subfamily M, member 3
DDN Dendrin
GRIN3A Glutamate receptor, 3A
Bone NIN Ninein (GSK3B interacting protein)
BMP15 Bone morphogenetic protein 15
IBSP Bone sialoprotein II
Endo/epithelial MAGED2 Melanoma antigen family D, 2
CEACAM5 Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule
COL4A2 Collagen, type IV, alpha 2
SCNN1G Sodium channel, nonvoltage-gated1, gamma
PKD2L2 Polycystic kidney disease 2-like 2
Hematopoietic HK3 Hexokinase 3 (white cell)
EPX Eosinophil peroxidase
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure