Figure 5. Torque was applied at the termini of the α-actinin rod domain.
Α-actinin rod domain dimer shown with twisted monomer colored in orange and the other monomer colored in green. Constraints were placed on terminus B and terminus A. For rotations at terminus B, terminus A residues were constrained fixed while terminus B residues were constrained to rotate, and visa versa for rotation at terminus A. At terminus B (upper panel) constraints are placed on residues: 396 (light green), 397 (light pink), 398 (orange), 399 (gray), 400 (black), 401 (yellow), 469 (light blue-green), 470 (blue-green), 471 (light blue), 472 (dark blue), 473 (dark purple), 474 (light purple), 475 (dark pink). At terminus A (lower panel) constraints are placed on residues: 1 (red), 2 (black), 3 (orange), 4 (yellow), 5 (tan), 84 (light green), 85 (light blue-green), 86 (blue-green).