Figure 2. PMIP blocks MUC1/β-catenin and MUC1/EGFR interactions.
a) BT-20 cells were treated overnight (-serum) with either 10µM hPMIP, 10µM control peptide (CP) or vehicle control (water; V), and protein lysates generated. Lysates (500µg) were immunoprecipitated (IP) with either anti-EGFR (Ab-13) (lanes 1–6, top and middle panel) or IgG (lane 7, top and middle panel) and immunoblotted (IB) with anti-MUC1 (top panel; CT2) or anti-EGFR (middle panel; 1005). Total levels of MUC1 (35 µg) are shown in the bottom panel and in right column of top panel (straight lysate, SL). White lines through blots indicate same gel and exposure but were non-contiguous. b) BT-20 cells were treated for 18hrs (-S) with hPMIP (10µM) or PTD4 (10µM). The cells were treated with EGF (30’ EGF, 10ng/ml) to induce endocytosis or left serum free (-S) and protein lysates were generated. The lysates were immunoblotted (IB) for EGFR (1005) and β-actin (AC-15) c–f) BT-20 cells were treated (-serum) overnight with (c) hPMIP (10µM), (d) control peptide (10µM), (e) PTD4 (10µM) or (f) water (V) and pulsed with the same peptides for an additional 30’ prior to fixation. The cells were probed for MUC1 (primary; H295: red) and β-catenin (primary; C-14: green). Co-localization (arrows) is designated with white pixels. Magnification=400×.