Portions of the 600 MHz 1H NMR NOESY spectrum (mixing time 40 ms; repetition rate 2.5 s−1; sweep width 35 ppm) of hHO-DMDH-N3 in 2H2O, 50 mM in phosphate, pH 7.4, at 30°C, illustrating the dipolar contacts about the DMDH perimeter, as shown by arrows (A-L). Key residue-DMDH and inter-residue contacts are: Val146 to 4CH3 (A) and 5CH3 (B), Thr135 to 8CH3 (A) and 1CH3 (B), Phe207 to 8CH3 (E) and 1CH3 (F), Tyr134 ring to 8CH3 (E) and Thr135 CγH3 (H).